Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dubai Now !!

Now days

Now it’s a big city that all most every one in the world know it. And it has a lot of modern buildings and very unique real estate projects. Like making a snow park in the desert and also a hill where you can ski. All of this because of government’s planning and the oil industry. The UAE now is a very wealth country. They made the palm tree island and the world mabe island and it is all made by human . They built the tallest building in the world Dubai bridge and it is famous with it . Dubai has the largest mall in the world Dubai mall and the largest mall in the Middle East Emirates Mall . Dubai has many building and think to talk and this is the city that many people all over the world thought that it is the country or the capital .

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


In the past

Dubai was a small city that has the most important trading port that connect the Arabian gulf with India. The native people were like to kinds. The first kind settled down near the beaches and most of them were traders, fishermen and pearl divers. The second kind are Bedouins and they live in the desert. The live some how in voluntary simplicity or in another word every thing the need is from nature and they grow it by themselves. I was born in Dubai , it is a great city before and now it is different ! .

The Most Important Event In Abu Dhabi

The first Formula 1™ circuit in Abu Dhabi and The whole world of motorsport has met here and celebrated this most spectacular motorsport venue that will be home to plenty of upcoming events. It took place on the October 30th to November 1st . It is a big event in thee city that all the famous people in F1 came there and celebrate this event in my country . For me it was a normal event but my friends were crazy with it , they spend a lot of money to go there and see the race . One ticket it cost nearly 900 dollar ! it is expensive but you will have fun there with your friend if you are in love with cars and F1 races . It is a good opportunity to make Abu Dhabi famous in the world by this event !.

Abu Dahbi

Abu Dhabi is the capital of, and the second largest city in the UAE after Dubai . Abu Dhabi houses important offices of the federal government and the royal family are living there . It is a very big city and it has a lot of buildings and beautiful places . I was grown in Abu Dahbi and I studied there . It has a lot of good school and universities for studying . All of the people don't know that it is the capital of my country because it is not popular as Dubai . it has the most beautiful beach in my country , I always go there with my friends to see the beautiful seen and to enjoy the view of the buildings and the view of the city at night it is very beautiful . You will see the buildings are decorated with a lot of lights and flags . All the people there are populer that they have a lot of money but believe me it is a stereotype . Abu Dahbi has a lot of events so I will mention it in the next blog .

The Official Language of the UAE

The Official Language of the UAE is Arabic . All the people in the UAE speak Arabic so the first language to speak is Arabic and the meddle east region speak this language . It is easy language to learn . In the UAE the second language is English so if you don't know how to speak Arabic you can use English to communicate with other people . Arabic is the first language to use in the government , banks and many other places . If you are driving on the high or if you want to go to any place the information is written in both language Arabic and English so it is easy to the tourists to go around the country .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Traditional Food In The UAE

The dates
The Arabic coffee

The Machboos

The Bryane
Our traditional food in the UAE is similar to the Indian food . It contains a lot of spices and every meals we eat are containing rice . People in the UAE always eat rice on their meals with meat , fish or chicken . For dessert , we usually drink Arabic coffee and eat dates . The most famous two foods in my country are ( machboos ) and ( bryani ) . We cook it with meat usually but some people prefer it with chicken or fish . It is the most delicious food I've ever eaten .

The Traditional Clothes In The UAE

The traditional clothes of the UAE for men is called ( kandorah ) and the thing that we wear it on our head is called ( gtrarh ) as you see it in the pictures . We don't buy it dirictly from the shoppes but we go to the tailor to make it for us . We have two traditional clothes for men the first one as I mentioned and the second one , it is a round tube that we but it above our head. It is called ( agal ) you can see it in the second picture .

For women we have one traditional clothe it is called ( abaah ) . It is a black clothe that all he women in my country wear it when they want to go out . You can see it in the picture .

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hey every body , welcom to my blog , I'm going to write about my country the UAE . First I'm gonna write about my self , my name is Khalifa , I'm from Abu Dhabi the capital of the UAE , I graduated from Al Ittihad Model School last year . I came to the US to study my major here . My major is Industrial Engineering . I have a lot of hobbies like playing football , chating , facebook and swimming .

I will tell you about my country , I'm gonna write about many cities and important things about them . The first photo is my country flag and the secound photo is my country map .